Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Oh! pOkseNG

3.00 am ~ jam dh tunjuk kul 3pg tp esah still xtdow lg . huU ~ kOnon2 stay up study . yelah tuh kn . haha =p sebenar’e, hepi sgt sbb kwn esah, pOkseng, dh bg gmbr yg beliau amek arituh . cyap edit lg . suke esah .. heE ~ ctE’e, esah bkn jadik talent die pOn . tp, mlm tuh kebetulan die kat Melaka, sO, kami brjumpa laA . nk jumpe saje2 jek . skali pOkseng ngn genk2 beliau plak . sume DSLR taow . nk pengsan esah tgOk . haha . Yg kelakar’e, ptg tuh esah trsalah bg msg . nk bg kat adek esah, tp terbg kat pokseng lak . msg tuh brbunyik, “xyah dtg Melaka. Melaka hujan” . pastuH, pOkseng pOn reply, “sye x brcdg pOn nk dtg Melaka awk.. hihi =) ” cmtUh laa . tUp, tup ptg tuh pOkseng ckp die n d genk oTW ke Melaka . haha . kelakar kn? sO, alang2 tuh, jmpe jelah . dgn bntuan Najah, esah pOn brjumpe laa dgn pOkseng . mlm tUh esah pOn bawak laa pOkseng n d genk p Kg MORten . tetibe, pOkseng ckp cmneh, “awk duk sne jap “ . rupe’e, nk snap gambar . haha . esah dh laa cm hape jek kn mlm tuh . sgt2 simple . nk p kelas pOn rse’e lbh Vogue . haha =) sgt perasan kn ~ sO, mlm tuh pOkseng n abg2 tUh snap laa gmbr esah huduh neh . esah pOn malu2 laA . esah mmg pemalU pOn kalo lelaki yg amek gambar neh . haha =)

sO, esah brazam utk kuruskn semula diri esah neh . tggu eyh pOkseng . t kte amek ag gmbr byk2 n esah pakai uniform yg chantek . brulah besh mse tuh . haha =) Pape pOn, mekasey sgt9 pOkseng ~

Acah2 comel kOnon .. PUuiii ~ haha

Monday, 18 April 2011

Oh! esAh ~

9.30 a.m. ~ Arineh esah n sahabat esah, ABil dh start p library campus . seawal jam 7 dh start mandi . bwt sarapan, bwt air, then kejotkn abil . kul 9lbh terus gerak p library naek kUde esah . dh lme x belai kUde tuh sbb keadaan kaki yg x m’izinkn . tp arineh, esah gagahkn jugak . sbb rse cm dh ade baek ckit kaki neh . mmg sunyi laa library neh . yg kedengaran hnyelah bunyi batok esah yg kuat neh . huhu . mtk maaf sgt ~ pembelajaran arineh, CroSS culture Management . Esah blur2 ckit pasal subjek neh . sbb dlm kelas CCM neh slalu jek berangan . haha =p

Esah n kwn brsemangatlah pkai bju kurung . tp rupe’e, blh jek pakai bju bese . haha . semangat UiTM betOl . tp xpewla, sbb esah n kwn esah, Iera nk jumpe dgn Datuk Pengarah campus . tp last’e, pengarah amek leave . adOi ~ IEra pOn kol laa P.A Datuk . alahai, beliau pon amek leave jgk . nguAa ~ sO, esok kne kol ag . xpewlaA, bkn sng nk sng kn? sO, esok esah akn mggngu ag idOp PA Datuk .. kOl n kOl smpai pnt . haha =p

1.30 ~ smpai umah . trus bkk peti ais kuokn lauK . haha . x pdhal dh pk dh mse kat library nk masak pew balik t . heEe ~ Mulekn sesi memasak . Menu arineh, ayam masak lemak cili padi & begedil . oWh ~ esah’e favourite tuh . smntara tggu ABil lenyekkn kentang tuh, esah pon bersolat laa . huU ~ igtkan dh blh solat biasa, tp belakang lutot esah sakit ag . So, sOlat laa duduk ag laa jwb’e . huhuk ~ dh sebulan cmneh . dh abeh mask, bkk FB . sekali, pengrah campus inbox esah . SUke, SUKe . heheh .. ayat’e brbunyi, “Pen Putih, sila emel saya d …………………………………….. utk temujanji” . berbunge2 la ht esah ibarat kekasih bg msg . haha . OppsS ! ade kekasih kew? Haha =p sape jelah yg nk kn . sO, prhtikn org yg kte suke dr jaoh jelah .

SEkian, terima Kasih

ChewaHh ! cm surat rasmi plak kn . esah mmg suke bwt2 surat neh . sO, kalo ari2 esah pOst, korg fhm2 jelah eyh . ketagih nk menulis laa tuh gamak’e . haha =)

kami nmekn'e begedil neh, BEGEDIL SUKE HATI sbb tiap mse suke . dn sebelah tuh ayam masak lemak cili padi . esah masak ikot cre mak . meh laa cube kwn2 =)

Saturday, 16 April 2011


Neh aktvt IBUC yg paling last utk sem neh .. sgle aktvt IBUC esah join (sbb ade part dlm IBUC) n esah mmg brsemangat IBUC .. hehe =) esah nk jOin, kalo ade rezeki n kalO keadaan esah mengizinkn .. yela, dgn kaki yg cmneh, susah pulak esah nk gerak jaOh2 kn .. t takOt p, menyusahkn org plak .. bala tuh, bala ~ haha .. aktvt neh brmula dr 11 - 15 Mei 2011 .. Bayaran RM100 shje .. berbaloi kn? Tp excluded mkn, shopping n cable car .. uWaaAAa !!! ~ dilemma ag neh kwn2 .. So, hOw? huU ~

Friday, 15 April 2011

April, 15 2011 ~

In life, there are lots of decisions and choices to be made. I am one of those people. For example, i create this blog because of my friend, SAHAFUL, ask me to do so .. haha .. Kmbali serious ~ We may never know what would be the outcome of the choice we made but whatever it will be, we cannot retrieve those things that happened in the past. We may sigh in regret but it happened already and all we have to do is accept and learn. That’s why we cannot think only twice but a couple of times when making decision because we don't want any regrets when the damage has been done. Now, I learn to accept things planned, maybe God has a reason why He leads me to this difficult experience. I know, it is me, myself that paints my life in this world. There is no turning back. I learn that, it is in my hands what better life I can offer to myself.